

Bear Attack!!! (kind of)

Bear Attack!!! (kind of)

We live in bear country. We knew this. We’ve been engaged in a pitched battle with them for the past three years. We finally gave in and removed anything that would attract them to the house (bird seed in an outdoor storage container). This seemed to work and we let our guard down. Whoops

The bear never even slowed down as they went through our expensive sliding screen door. We were actually very lucky. The bear went straight to the refrigerator and freezers. Aside from destroying the screen door, damage was limited to a shelf in the refrigerator. However, we did lose two filets we were going to enjoy today, along with some crab meat and, for some reason, a bag of frozen tomatillos and a sourdough starter (pictured above). What would have happened if we would have walked in on it, I shudder to think. We probably would have scared each other senseless. However, when I get scared, I don’t usually lash out with my inch long claws and massive arms. I can’t speak for the bear. We now don’t leave solid doors open unless we are in the room.

Bear Attack!! (postscript)

Bear Attack!! (postscript)

The Falcon is Finished

The Falcon is Finished