Christmas is Coming
Christmas is only a few days away. Kelsey and Dylan should be finishing up a cruise this weekend. No Christmas with them this year. However, Eric and Amanda and Riley are due here tomorrow afternoon! I can’t wait to meet my new grandson. We get periodic FaceTime calls, which are great, but not the same as in person. They’ll be here a couple days, then on Christmas Day, they take off for Phoenix to start their new life.
Tammy and I are getting ready for four months in eastern Texas for Paradigm. It should infuse some much needed cash and change of scenery. The programs are supposedly larger, so that will be more stress and work, but working together is so much better that being apart.
The house is coming together better that I expected. When we first moved in, it felt pretty alien and uncomfortable. The house was disgustingly filthy and run down. We had a week long break from our Louisiana Paradigm meetings in which to start moving some things in, but we had to wait until the end of September, when the programs were over for the year, to start in earnest. After a thorough cleaning and putting away our belongings, it has started to feel more and more like home. One huge problem we had didn’t make itself apparent until the weather started getting cooler. An old, massive wood stove came with the house. It, and some electric baseboard heaters, provide the only heat for the house. The stove proved to be woefully inefficient and inadequate for our needs. A quick trip to Colorado Springs fireplace store would solve our problems. Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond our control, it took six weeks to obtain our new stove. But it is a monster and awesome!!!
Now we have a ginormous Christmas tree all decorated and we are ready to enjoy the kids.