

We've Got Bees!

We've Got Bees!

Tammy desperately wanted to have bees again, so guess what, we have bees! We installed two packages (20,000 bees) last weekend and unfortunately, one hive let their queen die, then quickly absconded and died. So Tammy was quickly able to purchase another package, and we settled them into their new home this morning.

So far everything looks good. They seem happy and are buzzing around checking out their new digs. But… we have a winter storm warning starting the day after tomorrow, which last for three days. We’ll button them up tight and hope for the best. 🤞🏻

Stay tuned.

Hive #1 (Ravenclaw)

Hive #1 (Ravenclaw)

Ready To Go

Ready To Go

Mi Maestro de Español

Mi Maestro de Español