

The Falcon is Finished

The Falcon is Finished

All 7500+ pieces are in place, and the Falcon is resting in dry dock. This was a very enjoyable build. My first big Lego set and Ultimate Collectors Series to boot. The finished product is a wonder to behold. The detail is amazing and it just looks perfect. I didn’t track how long it took to complete it, but I enjoyed every single moment.

This set retails on for $850. I got mine for about $100 less, but it still was a major investment. I’ve got a UCS Star Destroyer (a retired set - read expensive) for $1000 that I’m going to start soon. I’m kind of saving it for a special occasion. I’m dipping my toe into knockoff Chinese sets that are amazing clones of Lego sets. I’m currently building a UCS clone of the AT-AT. I’m about halfway finished, and I’ve got to say that I’m impressed. The bricks are definitely not Legos, but they are very close, and for much, much less money. The $850 retail Millennium Falcon can be had for $130 + shipping.

I will still buy Lego sets because they are authentic and have a quality that just feels nice to the touch. But, I will definitely purchase some more of these clone sets so that I can scratch my building block itch and not impoverish myself.

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